EXPO TV wanted to update their look and feel to attract a wider userbase of engaged, "always on" influencers.
This began with a logo redesign. To create a new icon for EXPOT TV, I merged the Camera Eye and idea of authentic user-to-brand conversation to create two concepts. Both icons position EXPO as the center of Social (the dialogue between consumer, ExpoTV and brands), User-Interaction and Consumer-Generated Reviews/Conversations.
The second step was an overhall of the EXPOTV site. With an expanded palate of friendly colors that would appeal to both consumers and brands, and a new authoritative font selection, EXPOTV was positioned as the company both brands and users would come to to facilitate reviews and communication.
Lastly, social media, print materials and PPT were created to extend the new branding.
A design system and brand guidelines were developed alongside the ongoing work, as well as a component library and delivery system.